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Cover Page
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Parenthetical)
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Loss)
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity (Parenthetical)
Nature of the business and organization
Summary of significant accounting policies
Restructuring charges
Inventories, net
Property, plant and equipment, net
Intangible assets and goodwill
Fair value measurements
Share-based compensation and stockholders' equity
Net income (loss) per common share
Revenue recognition
Income taxes
Segment information
Subsequent events
Pay vs Performance Disclosure
Insider Trading Arrangements
Accounting Policies
Summary of significant accounting policies (Policies)
Restructuring charges (Tables)
Inventories, net (Tables)
Property, plant and equipment, net (Tables)
Intangible assets and goodwill (Tables)
Fair value measurements (Tables)
Debt (Tables)
Share-based compensation and stockholders' equity (Tables)
Net income (loss) per common share (Tables)
Revenue recognition (Tables)
Leases (Tables)
Segment information (Tables)
Nature of the business and organization (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies (Details)
Divestiture (Details)
Restructuring charges - Narrative (Details)
Restructuring charges - Schedule Restructuring and Related Costs (Details)
Restructuring charges - Schedule of Restructuring Reserve by Type of Cost (Details)
Inventories, net - Schedule of Inventory (Details)
Property, plant and equipment, net - Schedule of Property, Plant, and Equipment (Details)
Intangible assets and goodwill - Schedule of Finite-Lived Intangible Assets (Details)
Intangible assets and goodwill - Schedule of Finite-lived Intangible Assets Amortization Expense (Details)
Intangible assets and goodwill - Narrative (Details)
Fair value measurements - Schedule of Fair Value Hierarchy of Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Fair value measurements - Schedule of Contingent Consideration Roll Forward (Details)
Fair value measurements - Narrative (Details)
Fair value measurements - Schedule of Fair Value Level 3 of Significant Unobservable Inputs (Details)
Debt - Schedule of Debt (Details)
Debt - Narrative (Details)
Share-based compensation and stockholders' equity - Narrative (Details)
Share-based compensation and stockholders' equity - Schedule of Stock-based Compensation Expense (Details)
Share-based compensation and stockholders' equity - Schedule of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) (Details)
Share-based compensation and stockholders' equity - Schedule of Comprehensive Income (Loss) (Details)
Net income (loss) per common share - Schedule of Basic and Diluted Net Loss per Share (Details)
Revenue recognition - Schedule of Disaggregation of Revenue (Details)
Revenue recognition - Narrative (Details)
Revenue recognition - Schedule of Rollforward of Contract Liabilities (Details)
Revenue recognition - Schedule of Accounts Receivable, Net (Details)
Leases - Schedule of Components of Lease Expense (Details)
Leases - Schedule of Leases Supplemental Balance Sheets (Details)
Income taxes (Details)
Litigation (Details)
Segment information - Narrative (Details)
Segment information - Schedule of Reconciliation of Operating Profit (Loss) from Segments to Consolidated (Details)
Segment information - Schedule of Segment Reporting Information, by Segment (Details)
Subsequent events (Details)
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